Chick couldn't open eye, is now dead. What was wrong? Contagious?

Thanks for the replies and the links! I'm keeping a close eye on the adult chickens (and the other chicks). I scrubbed out the water and food dishes extra good and gave everyone a little extra ACV. If anyone else looks even slightly under the weather I'll pick up some of the powdered antibiotics that franklinchickens mentioned. Do you think the feed store will know what I'm talking about if I ask for chicken antibiotics?
My feed store has a poultry section with antibiotics. There are "weaker" antibiotics and "stronger" can go do a window shopping excursion at these sites if you want (and others):

I have ordered from the first one successfully- the others I have not dealt with. Some of the other antibiotics you can find in the cattle section of the feed store.

Ask if you want info on antibiotics! People are good on here.
The one the vet recommended was called Duramycin-10. If I remember correctly, the dosage was a teaspoon per gallon but it might have been a tablespoon - can't recall now. They will probably know at the feed store.

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