Chick down is black with silver tips all over body - genetics of this?

Ok. I'm trying to find what genes are involved in this in my genetics book and having trouble. At least you've given me a place to start, thanks. :)
well lets see.........

your black Breasted red phoenix is e+/e+(wiltype) bl+/b+(none Blue) looks like anyother black breasted Red bird out there, except with a long tail, this birds are called wildtype because they are(geneticaly) the closest birds to the actual wild Red Jungle Fowl, they are recessive to just about any other gene, including Extended Black(E) which is what your blue EE is most likely be... so any cross like this will result on birds that look like your EE(color wise)..

BBR Phoenix


Blue Ameraucana(close to your EE at least on looks)


if you keep doing this cross you have 50% chance of getting chicks with black down(with silver tips) and 50% chicks with blue down..

the genetic make up of your chick is E/e+ Bl/bl+....
Great, thank you.

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