chick emergency


Crossing the Road
7 Years
Jan 18, 2017
Middle Earth
My Coop
My Coop
Hey there guys,

Haven't been here with problems from my flock for a while which I guess its a good thing.

But now I need your advice.

So Ive been letting my hen sit on eggs and over the last few days they've been starting to hatch. two hatched just fine but today the third hatched, hardly moving at all. He somehow ended up far away from the hen so I gently moved him back over to her, but she started to peck and almost attack him.

I then knew something was (is) wrong.

we quickly took him inside with a heat lamp and everything because we thought perhaps he was just really cold. but as time went by he fluffed out but still wont open his eyes, also doesn't seem to have balance at all. Youd hold him and hed peep like a normal baby but would then fall over and almost instantly fall asleep.

My biggest concern rn is him not opening his eyes to be honest I don't know.

It sounds like you know what you’re doing and have probably looked for all the obvious like pasty butt. I doubt I could come up with anything other than warmth and nutrients.
Hey there guys,

Haven't been here with problems from my flock for a while which I guess its a good thing.

But now I need your advice.

So Ive been letting my hen sit on eggs and over the last few days they've been starting to hatch. two hatched just fine but today the third hatched, hardly moving at all. He somehow ended up far away from the hen so I gently moved him back over to her, but she started to peck and almost attack him.

I then knew something was (is) wrong.

we quickly took him inside with a heat lamp and everything because we thought perhaps he was just really cold. but as time went by he fluffed out but still wont open his eyes, also doesn't seem to have balance at all. Youd hold him and hed peep like a normal baby but would then fall over and almost instantly fall asleep.

My biggest concern rn is him not opening his eyes to be honest I don't know.

Sounds normal for a newly hatched chick that got cold to me. Keep him warm. Have food and water available. I usually give them 3 days to find their feet. If they don't by then, then they likely won't.

It's possible he hatched with the yolk out and mom ate it. It happens. Not necessarily the case here, but possible.

I'd watch her with the other babies too. It could be that she's not a great mom, and there's nothing wrong with him.
I would give him some nutridrench and electrolytes, that helped my lethargic baby Jaelyn after being shrink-wrapped for hours. And I agree sugar water will help, it will give him some energy.

Also unfortunately many chicks don’t necessarily have anything physically wrong, they just have a failure to thrive. Even if you do everything possible to try to save them. It might not be the case, but it is a possibility.

Hopefully he gets better and mom starts accepting him. One thing we did when our hen rejected her chick, was we took all the chicks for a night and gave them back in the morning. It was sad for both hens and babies but when morning came and we gave them back she accepted all of them without a fuss.

:hugs hopefully everything goes well!
Hey there guys,

Haven't been here with problems from my flock for a while which I guess its a good thing.

But now I need your advice.

So Ive been letting my hen sit on eggs and over the last few days they've been starting to hatch. two hatched just fine but today the third hatched, hardly moving at all. He somehow ended up far away from the hen so I gently moved him back over to her, but she started to peck and almost attack him.

I then knew something was (is) wrong.

we quickly took him inside with a heat lamp and everything because we thought perhaps he was just really cold. but as time went by he fluffed out but still wont open his eyes, also doesn't seem to have balance at all. Youd hold him and hed peep like a normal baby but would then fall over and almost instantly fall asleep.

My biggest concern rn is him not opening his eyes to be honest I don't know.

He is probably tired and lethargic from been cold ( before you find it). Keep the chick with heat, put some crumbles of boil egg and give it sometime to recuperate.

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