Chick Grow-Along


Free Ranging
8 Years
Jul 23, 2013
I thought that since there are hatchalongs and such, why not have a chick grow a long. Any kind of chick; ducklings, goslings any kind. Just post about your chicks and if you can post pics. You can start when they are cute and fuzzy or when they're 6 weeks old and your about to move them into the coop up until almost laying or laying! Here we go!

Our newest chicks are 7-8 week old Doms. They recently (kind-of) got attacked by a raccoon and are missing a couple of toes, but are doing well. They're names are Sunny, who makes up for the ones with no claws with all of her accidental scratching, Georgia, who is very wild and will scream if you pick her up (and flap and kick) and last but not least, Cowgirl, who is the biggest, but not bossiest. Sorry no pics right now.

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