chick had a possible heat stroke


8 Years
Jan 7, 2012
Just a reminder summer is coming. My 2 month old chick was falling down. It couldn't keep its balance. The weather here has been upper 80s. I got it to drink lots of water with the electrolytes added. It is doing better still woobly. So keep watch on your babies. Make sure they have shade and lots of fresh water.
Just a reminder summer is coming. My 2 month old chick was falling down. It couldn't keep its balance. The weather here has been upper 80s. I got it to drink lots of water with the electrolytes added. It is doing better still woobly. So keep watch on your babies. Make sure they have shade and lots of fresh water.
Good 'heads up'. Hope that your chick will be O.K. Lots of deep shade, lots of water---sometimes a shallow saucer (like a plant saucer) of water where they can wade....and a sprinkler or mister will help too. There is evaporative cooling from wet ground, and they can also dig down into it---flatten themselves against the damp earth and cool off a bit.

Last year I nearly lost one to the heat....and this is just getting started..............
Its doing better. Its still a little wobbly. It is running around and still eating and drinking. Am keeping an eye on him all thru out the day time hours.

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