Chick has open head wound. Can see skull. Help!!


May 4, 2018
One of my chicks seems to have been attacked by an older hen. Her head is open. The skin that covers one of her eyes is pulled forward. Any suggestions on how to treat the injury?


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poor thing that's bad and right one an important part of her! my chicken got a deep wound and i could see her femur but not as bad as this. My chicken is healing. Can't even see it in the pictures that well anyways. I'd say see how her spirit is and go from there. Just don't let her be in pain and suffer for selfish reasons, poor girl.
can't stitching be an option? I mean if this was a human you wouldn't just kill them. If it was mine i would probably ball my eyes out. I'm not their and I don't know how the bird is feeling. I had one of my friends have a chicken that she thought was dead when she went out and found it because of the globs of skin and feather she found on the ground after her donkey kicked her hen. she said her hen had a big hole where her hens back used to be. Her chicken went from just laying all day and not moving to a full recovery. Just shows you how resilient chickens can be with their injures and healing.
can't stitching be an option? I mean if this was a human you wouldn't just kill them. If it was mine i would probably ball my eyes out. I'm not their and I don't know how the bird is feeling. I had one of my friends have a chicken that she thought was dead when she went out and found it because of the globs of skin and feather she found on the ground after her donkey kicked her hen. she said her hen had a big hole where her hens back used to be. Her chicken went from just laying all day and not moving to a full recovery. Just shows you how resilient chickens can be with their injures and healing.
Well yes but wouldn't you think that a vet could help a little better and less risk of infection
Ouch! Take her to a vet as soon as possible. A professional will know what to do, how to clean it out, how to stitch it up, etc. I hope that poor chicken pulls through!:hugs:hugs
Chickens are odd when it comes to injury. Some have an incredible will to survive and pull through some horrid injuries, while others give up and lose all will after suffering a superficial wound.
A quail will survive that wound.
A chicken? Well it's up to the chicken. But I would say it's more selfish to make the call yourself. Leave it up to the bird.

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