Chick has open head wound. Can see skull. Help!!

I had a Quail that had this happen. Something freaked them out and she started jumping and banging her head on the roof. It was bad. The skin had peeled off just like yours. There was blood everywhere. She was lethargic. And only eating and drinking a little. I thought she was going to die. I cleaned the wound and pulled the skin back over to try and stop infection and put purple spray on it. I kept her clean and she made a full recovery. This was a Quail but the type of injury was the same. Chickens are resilient and some of the injurys they can recover from is amazing. Just keep it clean and keep her away from the other hens. It's good she is eating even if you have to put the bowl in front of her. Take it day by day. If she starts showing signs of distress reevaluate. I'd give her every chance to recover. So long as you keep it clean and infection doesn't set in I'm sure she will be fine given time.

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