chick has pipped but no progress made !!! please help!!


In the Brooder
Jul 9, 2021
So my an egg has pipped around 5pm today, it is now 1:30 but it hasnt made any progress, its not making any noise but the egg does shake freaquently

the exposed membrane has gone tan a little black, ive attached a photo for reference

i realise a chick can take up to 24 hours from pip to hatch but this is the only egg out of 16 that has pipped so im really looking forward to this hatching and so are my girls! its taken everything in us to not open the incubator and give it the time to hatch

its been 7 hours, nearly 8 since its pipped, should it have started to zip by now?

im really new to incubating since i usually just put fertile eggs under any broody hens i have,

any help or advice would be GREATLY appreciated!!

Gotta wait, but it’s a good sign of things to come. Make sure you monitor your humidity level. Keep it at 65 to 70%, when the chick does hatch out your humidity will spike to the 80s or higher, adjust the humidity back down to 65 to 70. And repeat.

You can take the chick out to the brooder when it's halfway dry.
I literally just went through this today. It took all but one of my chicks at least 18 hours to zip after pipping. It takes a while. But once my babes started to zip they were outta there lightning fast. My second egg to pip was the last to hatch and took 20 hours.
Wow! this really requires a lot of self control and patience!
my chick has been there 16 hours now but she seems healthy and strong enough

she is chirping and moves her head a little here and there.

is good progress?
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Yes!! But yesterday I noticed it’s abdomen all swollen and now I’m really concerned it won’t make it View attachment 2772001View attachment 2772002 Iit had a very pasty butt so i had to wipe him down with a warm wet cloth
I could be wrong and am happy to be educated by someone with more knowledge but looks to me like it just still has yolk to live for and absorb? Hopefully he will be fine
Yes!! But yesterday I noticed it’s abdomen all swollen and now I’m really concerned it won’t make it View attachment 2772001View attachment 2772002 Iit had a very pasty butt so i had to wipe him down with a warm wet cloth
The abdomen might appear more protruding because of the wet fluff, but all chicks have quite a big belly at first. As long as the navel is not infected, and the butt does not get clogged, all should be well.

You could offer some herbal tea for the first few days:

Oregano, fennel, aniseed, chamomile and thyme. Prepeare fresh every day, let steep for two hours and dilute with some water if too strong for the chicks' taste.

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