chick hatched with growth... help


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 21, 2008
I have a donimic chick that just hatched with a growth filled with fluid and blood. I don't know if it was a double yolk that didn't form or what. Can anyone help me?
It sounds like the yolk sac was not fully absorbed prior to hatch. Just keep it separated and under a lamp. Hopefully it will absorb the yolk and heal up and be fine!
The sac is between the butt and belly. I think your correct about being the yolk sac... that makes sense to me. Can I leave her under the mom or should I talk her out and put her under a lamp? I really appreciate the help, I am a new member but you will probably be hearing from me often.
I would separate the chick. The hen may think it is weak and kill it. Or it may try to follow the others and get cold and die.
It's best chance is to bring it in and put a lamp on it.

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