chick help! I know i saw this once but can't find it..


12 Years
Mar 6, 2007
I had a golden polish hatch just a little bit ago but something was wrong with the humidity and the shell stuck to it. so I pulled it out and pput a little warm water to it and it and helped pull off some of the shell (bad girl i know) anywhay a very tiney part of the yolk was left outside. I remembered reading on here that a person said to wrap it in a warm moist paper towel and out it in a baggie with a corner cut out for its head. so i did that. Now I can't find that post grrr. so i'm not sure if I did something wrong. If I should just let it out of the bag to either dry off or if I should just leave it there for an hour or so. Sorry about my typing its 2 AM and I was woke by the sound of its distressed crying. I don't really expect it to live but wanted to give it a chance eiter it died from not being able to get out or itcould die from my helping or it might possibly live.
I have had this happen and usually just put the chick in a shallow dish with a paper towel in the bottom. That way the others can't peck at the yolk sac. Usually 24 hours is all it takes for the rest to disappear and then the chick can be released with the rest. A bag will hold moisture and overheat the chick.
Maybe I read it somewhere else cause I can't find it. Ok The little one was struggling to get moving after an hour or so so I pulled it out of the bag and washcloth. the bulging yolk was gone but there was still like a yellow string. he seems to be ok other then not drying fluffy all three of them are chirping up a storm and I'm about to move them into the brooder. I want to make sure they get food and water just incase the yolk wasn't compleatly ingested. Should i let the yellow string just fall off our should I mess with it? I'm thinking not messing with it. Crystal
I'm so glad to see that your little one is ok this morning! I also searched, but other than the links that barg found, I couldn't seem to locate it.

I haven't tried this, but did read a bunch of posts where people had covered it with a bandaid?

so far its survived the day with the two others that hatched Yay!! the poor things all have yuck stuff on them and i had to rub it off. Crystal

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