Chick in corner?


I'm wondering if she is the smallest or youngest? She might be getting picked on, have you noticed anything like that?

Is she eating and drinking? Is she stable on her feet or wobbly?

Guess some more information would be helpful.
She is eating and drinking, is active and quick on her feet when I let her out of the brooder. I have noticed her wing feathers look somewhat ratty like its been pecked at.
Could she just be being bullied?
I also have one that is a loner. At first I thought she was sick, but it seems that she is just smaller than the others (and her beak looks smaller, which maybe is why she is smaller?), and I see the others kind of bullying her. She holds her own, though, and is still eating and drinking and walking fine. Hopefully that is all it is (for both of us!)
I ended up with 4 cockerels in my bunch of chicks. There was one that stayed away from others and was getting ratty looking. I'm so glad I was able to finally place him in a new home tonight. He will have 20 ladies all to himself now. I had never heard him crow, he stayed back from the other males who are always challenging each other.
Well, she may be tiny but she is mighty. She was the first to learn to roost at one week old. She also likes to be snuggled the most. If "she" turns out to be a "he", he will be the sweetest rooster ever.

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