Chick is moving head weird. Video linked


Nov 13, 2020
Upstate New York
I have six week old silkie chicks that I feed FF and non medicated purina starter grower crumbles. This past week I noticed one of the chicks doing a head bobble. Kinda back and forth, side to side, every now and then. They had newspaper down in their room but I took all of that out because they were eating it. They keep finding scraps everywhere tho. I read that she could be doing it because she’s vitamin deficient. But I’ve only noticed one chick doing it so far. If she is vitamin deficient what would I give her to help with it? I hopefully posted a link to my YouTube with the video. The red light makes it a little hard to tell but it’s the movement of her head I’m worried about.
looks healthy enough, i would guess its just a genetic abnormality or birth defect .. i'd just wait and see with it, could be it overcomes it, if it gets worse or spreads to another one then i'd worry ..
Looks like she has a song stuck in her head. LOL! OK, I am not helpful but your chick is adorable. I would try the vitamin B complex because vitamin B does so much.
Looks like she has a song stuck in her head. LOL! OK, I am not helpful but your chick is adorable. I would try the vitamin B complex because vitamin B does so much.
:lau Funny is still helpful. I laughed maybe a little too hard at that because I can totally see it. I’ll try the vitamin B. I bought sav-a-chick and nutridrench. I’m not sure if those have vitamin B in it but I’m going to start her on them tomorrow.
I have six week old silkie chicks that I feed FF and non medicated purina starter grower crumbles. This past week I noticed one of the chicks doing a head bobble. Kinda back and forth, side to side, every now and then. They had newspaper down in their room but I took all of that out because they were eating it. They keep finding scraps everywhere tho. I read that she could be doing it because she’s vitamin deficient. But I’ve only noticed one chick doing it so far. If she is vitamin deficient what would I give her to help with it? I hopefully posted a link to my YouTube with the video. The red light makes it a little hard to tell but it’s the movement of her head I’m worried about.
Long shot . Ear mites.
I have six week old silkie chicks that I feed FF and non medicated purina starter grower crumbles. This past week I noticed one of the chicks doing a head bobble. Kinda back and forth, side to side, every now and then. They had newspaper down in their room but I took all of that out because they were eating it. They keep finding scraps everywhere tho. I read that she could be doing it because she’s vitamin deficient. But I’ve only noticed one chick doing it so far. If she is vitamin deficient what would I give her to help with it? I hopefully posted a link to my YouTube with the video. The red light makes it a little hard to tell but it’s the movement of her head I’m worried about.
:lau Funny is still helpful. I laughed maybe a little too hard at that because I can totally see it. I’ll try the vitamin B. I bought sav-a-chick and nutridrench. I’m not sure if those have vitamin B in it but I’m going to start her on them tomorrow.
The Poultry Nutri-Drench has Vitamin E and B1 (Thiamine) so I would use that. Direct dose her - she's 6 weeks, so see if you can weigh her. If not, I would aim for .25ml twice a day orally.

I would make sure they have a source of grit (crushed granite) even if chick starter is all they are eating.
I agree with @rosemarythyme that is looks like it may be neurological - hopefully the vitamins can help with that. Silkies apparently are more prone to some issues.
Update. I did the nutridrench and the sav-a-chick but she’s still bopping along. I’m starting to think it might be more of a muscle thing. I don’t know if that can even happen with chickens but it looks like one side of her neck is too tight and just pulls one way sometimes. She does it more when she’s stressed out. Mostly by the big butt who blocks my shot in the video, Fuzzy. She’s still eating and drinking fine. No abnormal or bloody poop. No mites that I could see. So I’m at a loss as to what it could be.

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