Chick NAMES?????


8 Years
Jun 9, 2011
Bay Area
What did you name your chicks?
I can't make up my mind!
too many to Name and most look a like, kids have named a few like queen, ect..
Naming can be hard since so many variations to choose from. Mine just came to me pretty easy. Large Marge, Columbian Wyandotte, Berta and Petal, BRs and Ruby. lt brown leghorn. I see your from the Bay Area. What area are you in. I'm in Petaluma . Oh and
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I just call them all "Girls" I have to many to start naming. I did name my rooster Herbie because my wife is from Nebraska and she loves Husker Football. They have a mascot named Herbie Husker. So Herbie is was.
Petra and Nelle - White Leghorns
Robin and Ophelia - Golden Comets
Mary Louise Peckerson - Barred Plymouth Rock
Arabelle - Black Star
Chicken Jessi - Easter Egger

Took me more than three months to name the Leghorns, but I think I've finally done it and found two names that seem to be sticking.
We did names that had something to do with their breed. Our Barred Rock is "Rockie", our Andalusian was "Andie", our Ameraucana is "Yankee"... Have fun!
Quagmire the Barred Rock was named for his prolific sexual antics: open the coop and not a hen is safe. Two other roos, a Sussex Hermine and a Cuivre Noir Maran, are named Flounce and Mr Arsey for their attitudes. Of the hens there's Miss Piggy, a Coucou de France, a monstrous thuggish glutton. The young Buff Brahma has been called Toffee; there's a younger Brahma chick who'll probably be called Caramel. Apart from those characters there are just too many to name - or remember!
My chickens all have the same name........."Here momma's little chick chicks".............they all come works

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