Chick NAMES?????

Name them as they come to you. We have...

Kahleese (from game of thrones. means princess and she is one)

Big Foot


Sasquach (sp)





They just come to us as they grow and get personalities. My kids name most of them except for the little princess
Last night i was thinking and it hit me

Buff Orpington chick: HONEY
Blue Wheaten Ameraucana: LUNA
Coronation Sussex: COROLINE
California Gray: STELLA
French Black Copper Marans: ELOISE

And I think my Seramas and Mille Fleurs are all ROOSTERS
We have 2 Black Australorps - one is Shy (because she was the shy chick when they arrived) and the other, Ony, short for Onyx. The EE is named Bunny and the Barred Rock, Badminton, both named by my daughter. The mystery chick that appears to be a BO has been named Leia by my son (after Star Wars)
Im a firm believer of naming children serious names. Not like some celebrities who name their kids "apple" or some crap. So i had the chance to go wild and ridiculous with the chickens. Who wants to name a chicken a human name?


General Tso


Colonel Sanders


Lemon Chicken

My chicks are 2 weeks old and these are my first!!! I live in the city so I only have 4 hens:

Annie - Americauna
Belle - Barred Plymouth Rock
Daphne - Dominique
Sophie - Speckled Sussex

They are so fun!! Enjoy!
I'm lazy. I usually name them something that has the first initial of their breed. So this time around I have Red Stars and Black stars, I'm only keeping a few so I might go with Rose, Ronda, Bondie and Hippy (she got her name early). Silver Laced will have Siadna, Suzy, New Hampshires, Nina. Easter Egger, Wizzy and Dark Cornish, Caren. All subject to change except Hippy as she was the only chick to not run from my hand when I stuck it in. She sits like a pro and just chills.
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I swore no names when I got them, but due to a rough start, one little girl got a name (so far)....

She is now a 9 week old Light Brahma, her name is Mush

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