Chick Not Feathering


10 Years
Oct 2, 2009
I've had my chicks now for about a week and a half. I don't know their age, however, because I got them from a feed store.

My RIR has gotten bigger, but she doesn't seem to be feathering out. She has wing feathers, but not much. There are the long ones at the end and shorter ones throughout. The others have wings that look like...wings already. Her's are just little short feathers.

I've noticed lately(like today and yesterday) that she was laying around a lot. She's still eating and drinking, and can still stand and walk. Is she just getting too heavy? She was sold as a RIR...light, orange-ish color with darker chipmunk stripes on her back and one on her head. Comb looks like a single comb, feet are a pinkish color. Her wings have black in them.

Here's a picture from the day I got them, she still looks similar but is larger. Wings are still the same. She can stand straight, I realize it looks like she's about to sink down in that picture.

I have a RIR pullet that is not feathering out, I am getting worried that she is a he. The others are almost feathered out on their bodies, it has only wings and some feathering in front of its wings. My roo last year was like this, he seemed to use his energy on his feet and body, not feathers.
I have a 4 wk RIR roo that I took note of at 2 weeks old. He feathered out slower than the others and had a short stumpy tail. His feathers were different than the others as well, kind of more sharp/pointy looking. He wasn't my biggest chick then, but he is now.
The brooder temperature should be fine, I'm only using a 100w bulb. The other chicks are also feathering out.

Gosh I sure don't want this one to be a roo...
Here is a picture I just took today.


See? Wings still look pretty much the same, but grew bigger(that might be hard to tell)
its been my experience with many breeds that the males will feather slower than the females. I have been 90% accurate sexing my chicks in this way. I have ameraucannas, buff orprington and brahmas and i had all my roosters and females sexed by 3 weeks old. I wasn't as successful with the barred rock.
I have a RIR chick who was hatched last wednesday, so she's 11 days old today. Definitely much more feathering than your baby. Just for reference. I'd guess you've got a roo, sorry.

Photo just taken:


Grrrrrrr. Good thing the feed store will take this GUY back.

Not good not good not good.

If only that feathering was not an indicator and only comb was(seeing as this little guy barely has a comb)
Oh well...
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