chick not growing like the rest


Jul 19, 2016
I have a little Buff Orpington that seems to be very slow in growing and has little feather growth. When I got her, her wing feathers were frizzy and still are. This is my first time with chicks so I don't know what's normal or not for growth. All the others who are just a week or two older are all pullets now but she still has chick fluff all over her body. I noticed the other day that she is just now starting to get tail feathers. She still acts like the other girls. Eating, drinking, and running around. She loves going outside in the chicken tractor chasing bugs and doing her dirt bath. She still spends a lot of time under the heat lamp however. She does not get picked on however. In fact the other girls are starting to mother her and cuddling her at night. Its very sweet. She is a very sweet chick and I like that she is still accepted with the other girls. I have heard that roosters can be very slow growing and their feathers come in slow as well. Should I be worried about her?
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How old is the chick? Buff orps are a slower maturing breed, but normally after about two weeks they should have grown a bit and have a lot of feathers, and by around 1-1 1/2 months, most of their feathers should be in. Its hard to say though unless you can post a picture and provide its age. Remember though, if the others are a week or more older they will be significantly more developed as it is a very fast process in the beginning of their lives.
She is about a month old now. I have noticed some new feather development on her neck, chest and teeny tiny tail feather starts. I have always wondered though if she has an issue of some kind because her wing feathers that are in are very short and look like a frizzle chicks feathers. Is this normal for buffs? I have a speckled Orpington who's feathers came in smooth.

These photos are about a week old MD all the other chicks have gotten much bigger except Bernadette the little buff. Even Ygirett the little brown speckley one has passed her and she is at least a week or two younger.
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Well, so long as feather development continues and she is growing at a normal rate, there is no need for concern in my opinion. She could use some extra protein to aid in feather development and growth; maybe on or two plain scrambled eggs once or twice a week for her and her only; she could be frizzle but she could also be a little malnourished. Hope everything turns our well, she is quite the cutie!

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