Chick not thriving - chick chair

Im soo sorry!!

Mine was doing better and I had put it back in the brooder, it was standing and walking around....this morning it was layed out again....I'm still nursing it on a heating bad and feel very sorry for it....but, it still takes water....
I'm so sorry you lost her. You did everything you could. I have to say that little chick chair was adorable. You gave her the best 4 days she could have had. Sorry for your loss.

Sorry you lost her! That chair was just pure genius, never seen anything like it! Maybe your creative idea will help out some other people with a sick chick to care for. Thank you for sharing.
I can't take credit for the chick chair
Some have recommended putting a chick with bad legs into a teacup for a few days to help them get them in the right position. And I read an online article once about orthopedics for chicks and it had a fancier chick chair in it.
I just adapted what I have read online and on this tremendous forum and came up with something for our situation.
Thank you all for your good wishes and condolences.
Much appreciated.

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