Chick questions, chick newbie.

Ginger ninja

6 Years
May 3, 2013
Hey there .
. So, my Grandad got me a cockrel. But I don't know lots about keeping chicks. Do they need to be kept inside? Will one of the hens look after them? Will they get hurt by the cockrel or other hens? Can males live together if raised together since birth? ( I don't really expect that top be yes) How many chicks survive in average? I would also appreciate any other info you guys have! Thank you!!
To answer a few.. Chicks should be kept with like size chicks.. Putting chicks in with full grown hens is very bad as they will be pecked bloody, maybe to death... Percentage of chicks that should survive is 100% tho stuff happens sometimes.. They can go outside depending on how old they are.. Couple weeks old outside is fine.. Few days old not so much
If their "mother" hatches them, yes.. If they were hatched in an incubator, no... An incubator is for hatching eggs so if you need to hatch eggs then thats one way to do it.. If you meant a brooder (box for new chicks to stay warm and feather out) then it would be wise.. Brooders can be made from most anything... We've used everything from a rabbit hutch to a plastic tote from walmart
Thank you so much!!! The mother will be hatching them so i'll just keep them with her. Thanks.
What they do if a hen hatches the eggs is usually have an area set aside for both her and the chicks.. Other chickens will still peck at the new chicks but the hen will take very good care of them otherwise
Yay!!!! 3 eggs hatched with 3 to come!!! 1 rolled out whil hatching, got the best footage but unfortunatly could not get back into the nest. Pickied it up stone cold and put it under momma and it''s a different bird!! I got a brooder pen so she and the chicks will be away from the rest. Cutest things ever!! THANKS FOR ALL ADVICE!!!

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