Chick Safe Weather Proofing (Wood)


8 Years
Oct 7, 2011
Hello. I picked up some pallets and crates that are great project starters. I've been using one as a brooder already. They need to be weather proofed, stained or something so they don't deteriorate.

Any suggestions?? Thanks.
I'm looking to do the same thing. I plan on using exterior paint to weatherproof the outside of our coop, but I am wondering if I should use a wood sealer for all the other wood (inside and outside of the coop).

Looking forward to the responses...

Any exterior grade paint or stain would be adequate for the outside. The only concern I would have for chick safety would be a heavy top coat of varnish because eventually will flake off and you don't want the birds eating that. If the structure is water tight paint on the inside wouldn't really be necessary but if you want it for cosmetic reasons go for exterior grade paint inside too so you can scrub the poo off with out destroying the finish. The most bullet proof stain will be the deck stain because they take way more punishment than your coop ever will.
Although unappetizing to consider, all modern paints and finishes are safe once dried. Paint is the best bet to protect your wood. That or deck stain. These opaque finishes block the sun.

Exterior varnish requires maintenance periodically, so I would skip that.

Use a water-based exterior colour stain. The stain soaks in the wood and gives it the look of being painted while protecting the wood like a clear coat. Most water-based is non toxic and dries quickly.

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