Chick shaking head


In the Brooder
Jun 25, 2019
I have a silkie chick. I hope will be a hen but to soon to tell. She is about 5 or 6 weeks old a d she has a head tick. I'm not sure what it could be I read to give her some vitamins in her water which I did but no change. Nothing seems to phase her she is not lethargic and hops around with the other chicks. Is this a medical issue or just a neurologic issue that she can live with? I have a video of it. Sorry if my babie are loud in the back ground.


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That could be a neurological problem. A good thing for that might be starting the chick on Poultry NutriDrench or Poultry Cell 1 ml daily, or some vitamin E fed with a little scrambled egg daily, which contains B1 thiamine as well.

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