Chick snacks/treats for my babies! Suggestions?

I'm just curious about what yall like to give your chickuitos? Is oatmeal fine?
It depends on the age of the chicks. They should have nothing but chick food for at least the first 8 weeks. After that you can slowly introduce veggies / mealworms, but they probably will not be interested fora little while longer. Once they have anything other than their chick food (once they start to forage / get treats), they will need chick grit. Oatmeal should only be given in moderation as it is high in carbs and high carbs can cause crop issues. You want them eating mostly their age appropriate food; any and all treats should be given in moderation.
It depends on the age of the chicks. They should have nothing but chick food for at least the first 8 weeks. After that you can slowly introduce veggies / mealworms, but they probably will not be interested fora little while longer. Once they have anything other than their chick food (once they start to forage / get treats), they will need chick grit. Oatmeal should only be given in moderation as it is high in carbs and high carbs can cause crop issues. You want them eating mostly their age appropriate food; any and all treats should be given in moderation.
I see. Thank you. They mostly eat their feed I picked up from a local store and as for treats, I've thrown down corn here and there but only when moving them or trying to get them used to their new surroundings. I was thinking maybe it would help with the overall stress they were feeling at the time? If that's a thing haha
Lol I hear ya... but just like you don’t want to destress with junk food, same for chickens. But like I said it depends on their age - as chicks you want them to get as much of their vitamin and mineral fortified food so they grow properly. Even as they age, treats should always be in moderation - esp high carb treats like corn and oatmeal, both which have very little nutritional value.
Lol I hear ya... but just like you don’t want to destress with junk food, same for chickens. But like I said it depends on their age - as chicks you want them to get as much of their vitamin and mineral fortified food so they grow properly. Even as they age, treats should always be in moderation - esp high carb treats like corn and oatmeal, both which have very little nutritional value.
I appreciate that very much l. This is my first time raising hens and hopefully it goes fine :) but I seem to have lost my head somewhere in my research haha
I understand not overwhelming your babies with junk food and waiting until they are older to start incorporating new foods into their diets. Having said that, I don't think an occasional, single grape is a bad thing. My adult birds will run over each other to get to the porch or into the coops if they hear me yell, "Grape, grape." So, I think of it as a training tool as much as a treat.
When my chicks were little and I really *needed* to give them something special, I made a mash out of their food with a little water. They went crazy for it. I had some in the palm of my hand, and when they ate it, it felt like getting tapped with half a dozen blunt pencils. It was a treat for all of us!
I appreciate that very much l. This is my first time raising hens and hopefully it goes fine :) but I seem to have lost my head somewhere in my research haha
I understand, there is a LOT of misinformation on the internet. I’ve learned 95% of what I know through experience / the people on this site. Just ask on here when overwhelmed by conflicting information online.

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