Chick speak. Two questions.

I second the honking is hilarious and normal! Start putting out nesting options at around 5 months, maybe even later since the days are short and she's a faverolle mix they mature pretty late. Definte girl though, mix or no those fav genes pop out boyish combs very early on.:)
Hahah yes hilarious and cute. She is a character.
I only recently concluded she was i dded Faverolle. Her fether head fluff didnt come in til she was about 2 months.
Ok 4 or 5 months sounds reasonable. Are there signs I should look for?

She looked like a penquin when she was a hatchling. She developed slow as she was a runt. About a week behind her hatch-mates on the ranch did.

She is beautiful. There were 2 other tiny black chicks in the brood. Both of which died before fully out of their shells. She is the inly black one that made it. She herself would have died in the first day, as she was rejected by her broody hen almost immediately.
She is beautiful,soft and shiny.
I feed her well :)

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