Chick that can't stand up or walk


10 Years
Mar 24, 2009
We recently (about 3 weeks ago) saved a chick that was pecked almost to death by a hen (scalp was very bloody and all feathers gone on head), and nursed it back to life in our house. But I didn't realize that it was slowly losing its strength in its legs and now curls its feet. In fact it can't stand up at all now, but otherwise its head has healed very nicely considering how bad it was. I am not sure if the pecking caused brain damage or if this was the reason why the hen pecked it (maybe it knew there was a problem). My dilemma is that now we have "saved" it, I am not sure it will ever walk again. It eats Ok as long as it can flop around to the food bowl, but unless it walks properly it will never be able to be reintroduced to the hen house, and the smell it too strong to have an indoor chicken!

Should I "cull" it or do you think it could eventually recover? We keep our chickens as pets and the eggs, so we have NEVER killed one. I have no idea how to do this in a humane way. It breaks our hearts, but watching it flop around breaks our heart too!

Please give any advice.
No, she is eating well (not growing as fast as the other chicks her age, but not losing weight) practically sits in her food bowl because its so hard for her to move herself. She lays with her legs stretched out behind her. Its like she has no muscle strength to hold her weight. She is about 2 months old.
Try giving her vitamins.

You can use either Avia-Charge or baby vitamins like Poly-Vi-Sol liquid, a drop on her beak three times a day for a few days then taper off.
Renee's right (that's weird for me to say, since I'm Renee, too...) about the vitamins, and Pinkfeather nailed it, I think, and here's why:

Rickets - Deficiency of Vitamin D3, calcium and/or phosphorus. Add cod liver oil and DiCal or steamed bone meal.

Vitamin E deficiency - Crazy chick disease. Add source of pure Vitamin E.

Curly Toe Paralysis - Deficiency of riboflavin. Add milk products.

Perosis or slipped tendon - Deficiency of choline, manganese, biotin. Add choline, manganese, and/or biotin.

Vitamin A deficiency - Pale birds. Add cod liver oil.

I've been treating a baby with horribly weak legs with vitamins, and she's finally jumping and able to stand for long periods. I thought we'd lose her a week ago, at only a few days old. She's waaaaaaaay behind her peers, but doing great, considering.

I'm also feeding scrambled eggs mashed with a fork (well mashed) and then drizzled with cream or milk. She gobbles it down, and it's getting the riboflavin and calories into her.

Best of luck, and keep us updated.
Thanks, I will try these things- I hate to give up on the little chick because she made it through so much already!

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