chick unable to hold up head


Twilight Blessings Farm
11 Years
Dec 22, 2008
GR MI: TN bound!
I had a chick hatch yesterday still had yoke attached and it had poo all over its bottom. It is unable to use its head not even the eye on the one side will open
It was a very bad hatch I think my gauge is bad it was an nightmare for me one dead chick after another! Is there anything I can try to help this chick! Please help!
I'm sorry, Crystal. About all you can do is keep it warm and keep dipping it's beak into a little sugar water. I always use vitamin/electrolyte supplemented water for my hatchlings. I think it's better than sugar water for them. If it doesn't show some type of improvement (even minor) by tonight, it may be time to do something different to end it's suffering.

Hang in there, friend...everything happens for a reason...even if the reason is simply for us to learn from.
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Crystal, I had a chick that had wry neck when it hatched...acted very similar to yours. I just kept dipping it's beak in the electrolytes every hour, and it did start improving. If you can, today will be the day that you need to be relentless on helping it. Force it to drink, and keep it as quiet as possible (away from tooo many other chicks). It's not so much important for it to eat yet, just be sure it stays hydrated. Good luck!
Just gave it more sugar water with some vitamins in it
It is still in the bator but it crys like mad. At this time I am. Holding it in a hand towel that seems to quite it
Do you have a brooder set up for it? Sometimes the nice warm light of the brooder will quieten them to sleep. If it's your only chick, find a small plush animal to put in the brooder with it...that always works for my single chicks. At least it's crying...that's actually a good sign. It hasn't given up on living yet.
Just know that you did all you could, Crystal.

Sometimes no matter what we do, things just don't turn out the way we'd like. I guarantee you, though, that in the future you'll know more of what to do because of this little fella.
I'm sorry to hear that. I haven't faced culling yet, so I see it as a blessing that it died.

You did what you could, hon, don't blame yourself for it.

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