Chick with crooked neck


12 Years
Apr 25, 2010
South Central Pennsylvania
We just did a hatch and this last chick pipped but didn't get any further than having it's beak out for 24 hours. I decided that she needed a little help so I opened the shell up a little more and she had the membrane stuck to her head. I gently peeled it off and let her finish hatching by herself. The problem is that she has her neck bent in the same way she was in the shell and I'm afraid that it will stay that way. She is lying on her back because with her neck bent like this isn't able to right herself. I've turned her over a couple of times but she keeps rolling to her back. What to do?!!!
Sorry to say, sometimes there isn't anything you can do. Many people don't help chicks out just because if they can't get out on their own, often, there is a reason.

Best of luck to you.
It sure is a fighter and is still trying to right itself. Isn't there any way to help straighten the neck? I thought maybe as she struggles it might loosen up or is that wishful thinking?

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