Chick With Curled Toes

My chicks right foot somehow fixed its self, and the other foot probably will just stay like that forever, its unfixable. i tried  but it won't work thanks for your concern!!! :) :cd

I'm glad she's doing well. I had one that I tried to fix it only had one crooked toe and it would just go back the way it was. I'm hoping to have a better outcome with this one. I know what you mean about the feathers getting pulled off on the bandaid I figured its better to get the toes straight the feathers will grow back. I know it must hurt tho. But they will be better off in the long run. Best of luck with your peep.
I know I've seen the answer to this question before, and I have been looking for it the last 2 hrs, between watching my BRAND NEW FUZZY BUTTS!! 4 hatched, 17 to go. But one of my little silkies has curled toes on one foot. I think the other foot is ok. My question is, will it straighten out on its own? I remember talk of putting a cardboard boot on the chick. Please tell me how again, in a nutshell, how to do that. Thanks
My chick, above, had the same issue. It took one week of medical tape 'bracing' and she is doing great!
Was your "bootie" treatments successful? I had a little chick hatch 3 days ago and its feet look similar to your picture. I put the booties on the little one when it was 2 days old...on day day 2 with it so far. Hope it works
How old is too old to do this with? I just got an EE that's probably about 5 months old and has deformed toes. I'm guessing she's too old, but figured I'd check.
How old is too old to do this with? I just got an EE that's probably about 5 months old and has deformed toes. I'm guessing she's too old, but figured I'd check.
It's too late, and would be very painful. I have a hen whose toes I couldn't fix, and she is doing fine after a couple of years, and can roost on the flat side of 2x4's fine.
Hi henny Penny, you posted a pic nearly 4 years ago, a little white chick with twisted toes. Do you remember? anyway, I wonder what ended up happening with that chicken - I have one with the exact same looking twisted toes! I have tried splinting, attaching to cardboard - she either picks it off, or the whole foot just twists - meaning ALL the toes are now twisted. I'm thinking I ought now just to leave it! any advice would be terrific - I can see you are an active Back Yard Chickens poster and would really welcome your advice. thanks PS my chick is now nearly 4 wks old
I found this thread and I'm feeling a little hope. I have a chick named Scout that hatched under a broody. His (that's a generic "his", could be a girl) feet were perfect. When he was a couple of weeks old his feet suffered frostbite. Brought him in and started working on him. I thought we were well past the worst of it - this is what his feet looked like last week:

But in one week's time he ended up looking like this:

I know that with frostbite it can take a while for the deep tissue injury to show up, but these contractures happened so fast. A good friend said it also looks like he has some lymphodema going on in there as well. We had decided to cull him but then I stumbled upon this site. Scout is now 5 weeks old....might there still be any hope for him? He's healthy and active otherwise. And when I manipulate the toes he doesn't mind at all. But I don't want to prolong all of this if the end result will mean that I still end up culling him anyway. If there's a chance this might work for him then I'm all for it. He's my 8 year old granddaughter's chick.
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Blooie, here are some links on repairing crooked toes. Sometimes it works when they are day's old, but it may not be successful in a 5 week old chick. I would start the chick on poultry vitamins that contain minerals. An easy to find brand is Poultry Booster by Rooster Booster, which also contains probiotics, and is fairly inexpensive at Tractor Supply. Here are the links:
Blooie, here are some links on repairing crooked toes. Sometimes it works when they are day's old, but it may not be successful in a 5 week old chick. I would start the chick on poultry vitamins that contain minerals. An easy to find brand is Poultry Booster by Rooster Booster, which also contains probiotics, and is fairly inexpensive at Tractor Supply. Here are the links:
Thanks so much for the links! I wondered about any success since he's so much older and since his toe problems are the direct result of frostbite rather than a hatching or development issue. He's been on the Poultry Booster since he came into the house in November. But you know, he hasn't given up so how can I? Thanks again!

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