Chick With Curled Toes


12 Years
Aug 22, 2007
Iredell County, NC
I know I've seen the answer to this question before, and I have been looking for it the last 2 hrs, between watching my BRAND NEW FUZZY BUTTS!! 4 hatched, 17 to go. But one of my little silkies has curled toes on one foot. I think the other foot is ok. My question is, will it straighten out on its own? I remember talk of putting a cardboard boot on the chick. Please tell me how again, in a nutshell, how to do that. Thanks
The toes will not fix themselves. You need to make a little boot with a peice of cardboard on the bottom of the foot and a the sticky parts of a bandaid across the top to hold each toe in place.

Thank you both very much. The silkie eggs are so small and it took a long time for the chick to get out of it. Don't know if that had anything to do with it. I made him some booties.
I never knew you could do this! It's cool, and actually very cute
All the other chicks will want to know where she shops

I have a big Cuckoo Marans roo and a big Americauna hen that both have wonky toes. They get by fine, but certainly won't be show birds any time soon.
How old do you think is too old for this intervention to work? I have two 4 week old chicks that have a bent toe. Is it too late for them?


I don't know how old is too old. Hopefully, someone has the answer. Maybe tuffoldhen or missyprissy or speckledhen. I think between the 3 of them, they know just about everything. It wouldn't hurt to try, if she'll leave the boot on.
4 weeks may be a bit old but it won't hurt to try. They are still growing very fast so it's possible. However, the bones and ligaments may have already hardened and tightened so it might work. The bird might also be more cognitive of it's own feet then, and might want to pick the brace off.

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