Chick With Curled Toes

i thinkt his is what i need to do to tow of my chickies. they are 1 wek old and havigna hard time getign around. one has both feet curled the other only one foot. given them baby vitamins, i think this is the next step.. hubby is really gonna think i am nuts now!
FOREVER! You just have to keep making them bigger and BIGGER until the chicken is maybe 6 or 7 years old. Sounds extreme, I know, but you do love your chickens, right?

just joshin' ya
Good one!!LOL I left the bootie on my little one about a week. She was 2 days old when I put it on, so maybe the age would matter. She's doing just fine, though she is still the smallest one of 11.
Well she already took one of her booties off, and the other was stuck in the wire floor. So I took them off and they actually look straight. They were only on a few hours. I don't know whether to try again or not. She is in with her sister and a few other silkies that were born last week. They probably helped her take it off.
Glad to see I'm not the only one with crooked toed chicken. My Frieda (at some point I'll post a pic) has this problem, yet there are no issues with her health, egg laying, nor walking. She walks on her knuckles and I just keep her nails trimmed as she does not scratch with her tonails and they do not wear down. Of course, I often wonder if she is a slight bit daft as when she sees me, she will fly at me as if trying to tell me what the other hens have been doing!
She can perch on the roost, although I do place sawdust on the top of the nest box so she can have a softer, warmer place to roost at night.
Wow spook, thanks for the bit of encouragement. Now she is walking on one leg and dragging the other behind her. So I am glad to hear they can still lay and get around. She is a cutie.
Note: It is important to put on a new chick shoe at least every 2-3 days when a chick is very young, because it is growing so fast you have to make sure you don't cause deformities by the chick wiggling a toe into improper position without you noticing soon, or the chick growing faster than its shoes allow room to maintain correct positioning.
Rubbing baby oil on the bandaid or tape will make it easy to remove. And you can quickly clean the baby oil off the chick's feet using waterless antibacterial hand soap.
i tryed the bandaid for foot.chicks little foot is still kinda weak hasnt put much wieght on you think its just sore now???foot seems to be straighter.i also bought polyvisol

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