Chick with head tucked into belly


Feb 25, 2015
Saskatchewan Canada
So every time I have hatched chicks I have always had at LEAST one chick who couldn't hatch because it's head ended up tucked into his tummy.
Well today is day 22 for my eggs. They all hatched already except for two. I candled them and one was was already dead (head was tucked into belly) and one looked... Iffy...
I could still see some veining, but it was faint, and the chick had very little almost no movement.
I broke into the air cell and I could see that his beak was no where near it. After a lot of looking and poking to try and figure out what parts were what, I gathered that indeed his head was also tucked into his belly. There were still the large blood vessels present and he was still VERY juicy. I let him be a bit and his movement got even slower. I have tried to save malpositioned chicks before and they have always died.
I figured there was no way he was going to get out on his own so I just went for it!...
I cut a slit in the membrain where I could see there were no major vessels and pulled his head out. He was still very juicy and a lot of liquid came oozing out. But he stared breathing!!!!!
He is currently in a container in the bator so the other chicks can't touch him.
Praying he pulls through for me!

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