Chick with injured foot/ leg. PLEASE HELP


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 6, 2013
Johannesburg, South Africa
My hen hatched her first and only chick on 11 Oct. On the 14th she brought her chick out into the flock and everyone was fine the whole day(my 2 hens and rooster). The next morning I was out by the chickens when mommy hen was bringing her chick out again. The chick was not close by mommy's side and Boris my rooster went over to investigate baby when he grabbed her by the leg and shook her like a rag doll.
Since then I have kept mommy and baby separate from the rest of the flock because Boris cant be trusted and the chicks leg is injured. She doesn't use it properly but she hops along on the other foot, half using the sore foot to push off of, if that makes sense. Her foot is quite swollen and slightly bruised but because she half uses it, I assumed it cant be broken surely.

The chick is only a week old today and its day 4 since the incident. She is eating and drinking fine and she moves around more every day. I really want to give her Aspirin but she is so little that I'm scared I will damage her liver.

Will her foot/leg heal on its own? And would a rooster be able to break her leg or is it probably just badly bruised and swollen?

Any advice would be great- I'm so sad and worried that she will be permanently crippled, which will make her life so much harder when she integrates into the flock

Her toes still seem to work because her foot doesn't stay curled. And she puts it down when she stands still.

Her sore foot seems to be tilting slightly inwards, but that's only since today.

Here she is in the middle of her hop along walk, trying to use her sore leg.
It does look very swollen! I would keep her and Mama in a small pen to limit her use of her leg. The more she uses it, the more pain and swelling she will have. I would really just try to keep her off the leg as much as possible. As for the aspirin, that I am not sure about. Hopefully someone else will have an answer for you on that. I hope she does well. Good Luck
If it was a complete break, I dont think she would be able to use it. And you said that her toes are still fine, so I dont think any nerve damage has occurred.
Give her some extra protein. And maybe some electrolytes, while her little body is healing.
I have had a couple of chickens with injuries to legs, and even if they ended up with a limp they were fine with the others.

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