chick with respritory problem


12 Years
May 18, 2010
I have 3 little chicks with their mother in my basement. I noticed that one of them was peeping more than the others. I realized that it might had a little cold. Within time the chick seemed to peep or cough less often. The chick eats and drinks and plays with the other chicks. Just 2 days ago, I decided to take all of them outside for the sunshine and fresh grass. They loved it so I placed them in a warm coop mother and the chicks for 2 nice warm nights. Bad idea. The weather changed and started to rain so I brought them inside my basement with their nesting box and momma for warmth. Now this little chick is coughing again. No other chick is doing this and I'm hoping at this point that this little one will regroup and get healthier again. What should I do any suggestions would be appreciated. Rockmaster
I wonder if you should put a little water soluable antibiotic in their water. Something like Duramycin. You might want to get some Sav-A-Chick too. You're feeding them all chick starter right? Yes, keep them in a warm, dry place. Mommy is sitting on them most of the time right?
thank you for your info. I am happy to report that the little chick is doing great!!!!! No more coughing and is eating and drinking full of life. She continues to play with her siblings and loves to snuggle with the mother hen. I am happy

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