Chick without use of a toe


In the Brooder
Feb 16, 2015
New Hampshire
Hello, I just incubator hatched 8 French Black Copper Marans chicks . the last one to hatch had some difficulty and emerged with a toe that appears to "not work". It seems to be "adapting" although it clearly isn't quite as strong as the other chicks and it's not as "fluffy" after drying out completely. It is eating and drinking. My question is should I do anything about the toe (much like you would do something if its leg was splayed)?

Meet Scout. Perfectly normal chick until he got frostbitten toes.

Scout before his frostbite.

Scout's toes after frostbite.

We tried to straighten them. It didn't work.

And this is Scout now. Notice his toes. He does everything a roo should do - he roosts, he scratches in the dirt, he runs, he flies....he just does it all with no toes. So don't count your little one out - bandage that toe to see if it straightens out...Scout was too old for it to really work but your little one is so young it just might. And if it doesn't, well, they adapt, and adapt very well! Just wanted to give you a little hope!
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! I too have had a couple of chicks with toe problems they adapted and grew well and carried on acting as normal chickens.
Wishing you the very best of luck with your chicks in the future and enjoy BYC :frow
Hello, I just incubator hatched 8 French Black Copper Marans chicks . the last one to hatch had some difficulty and emerged with a toe that appears to "not work". It seems to be "adapting" although it clearly isn't quite as strong as the other chicks and it's not as "fluffy" after drying out completely. It is eating and drinking. My question is should I do anything about the toe (much like you would do something if its leg was splayed)?

glad you have joined us. So sorry about the problem. Can you post a pic of the chick with the toe problem for specific responses.

Good luck with all.
Of course Blooie is an exceptional mama & chicken caretaker but, you would be surprised at the special needs birds that get along just fine. Their problems usually bother their owners a lot more than themselves. I've seen many one legged roosters on BYC (over the years) and they get around fine. Wish you the best with your chick.
Here is the bottom of the foot.

and a comparison of the chick with the toe issue compared to a chick that hatched a few hours before it

The chick to the right (the less fluffy one) is the chick in question.

I would suggest posting the pics, detailed description of which toe and what is not moving or working correctly under emergencies. And hopefully someone with experience can help you diagnose the problem and offer a solution.

So sorry I don't have the answer.. but hope the baby does well.

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