

8 Years
Feb 17, 2011
South East TN
It was a disaster! lol Out of nowhere our "30% chance rain" turned into huge gusts of wind, blowing rain and more. Hubby and I were watching a movie (a really strange one that I don't EVER want to see again!) and we heard the wind chimes. Ran out and the cover had blown off. The chicks are on our covered porch but not tied down or anything and the cage had shifted a few inches. Rain blowing everywhere, I unplugged the light, trying not to jar it (not spare bulbs!) and somehow we managed to get the 4x2 cage in the house in less than 10 seconds,lol. Chicks were panicked of course but eventually calmed down.

Now, how to keep my 13 month old from trying to torture them all morning? lol
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Sorry, but I read your topic title as "Chick taster", and couldn't figure out why you were licking your chicks.

I'm glad you were home to get them safely inside! Good luck, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Haha, the extra T just snuck in there.
Should have read 'Chickaster"

I set up his baby gate (it makes a large square, rectangle, whatever needed) around their cage so he shouldnt be able to mess with them. When they were in our laundry room he used to stand there and beat on the door with his toys yelling at the chicks,lol. I'm sure they loved that.

So, I know he's going to be thrilled to see them sitting at his level. Even more so that he will have a FIT once he can't reach them. I've tried to show them to him in the past and he actually does stand there and lick his lips, now HE might be the one in the house that would lick them given the chance!
Haha, funny how they assume some things are so tasty! My son gets really upset at the play food from his play kitchen when it doesn't actually turn out to be a real banana,lol.

By the way, love your blog!!!! It's great. Would I be accurate in saying you are a fellow Crunchy mom? lol Seems so from your posts!
I thought you had a chick taster, in my imagination a bold chick that would taste new foods first to show the others it was okay to eat. You know how suspicious chickens are of new things.

You could hot wire their brooder cage - maybe a couple double A batts would give a mild but persistent jolt to keep your son away. LOL.
PS What movie was THAT BAD for you? I've seen a few this year, they have been real stinkers but the worst was Black Swan - ugh, I should have gotten up and asked for a refund. Kept hoping it would get better(it got worse) as it went along because the critics were so thrilled with it. ICK!!

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