Chickem math 😁


Free Ranging
Jul 31, 2021
SE Michigan
So - I put in an order for 4 spring pullets. 😁
1 each: Americana, Olive Egger, Sapphire Sky and Mystic Maran.
I ordered a pen-extention for the run, and we will be making some other improvement on existing accommodations. I'd like to add to their chunnel, too. But that will have to wait until I see how things look, later in the season
I'm heading in to the feed store, today. Need some more food. But also want to switch the Americana chick in my order out for another. It's only been a couple days. I should be able to. I looked on the breeder's website, and noticed a description that was more involved than their magazine description: Americanas do not do well penned up. My girls are in an enclosed run.

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