Chicken acted like she was Egg bound but there was no egg and has injury to vent.....


May 12, 2015
Suffolk VA
My Coop
My Coop
One of our Cuckoo EEs recently acted like she was egg bound and so we attempted to take action and help her, but unlike we thought, there was no egg inside her that we could feel. Her vent looks wrong. One of the "lips" on her vent is purplish and looks slightly bruised or swollen, we suspect that she may have had trouble passing an egg recently and injured it somehow. About a week ago we found an egg in the run with a lot of white membrane attached to the shell. I now suspect that was her last egg and she injured her vent in passing it and we have not had any of her eggs since. Has anyone had something like this happen before and or does this sound familiar and how can we help her? We did egg bound treatments to her last night such as giving her calcium and putting her in warm bath and lubricating her vent. She is still acting funny and we are not sure what the next step should be, we have her separated from the other hens and in a isolated place inside the house currently. Could it be just her vent and if so what would we put or give her to help? (I took picture of her vent but I have it on other device and can add later if needed).
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I'm not sure what is causing the discoloration but a picture would definitely help others help you.

Acting funny how? How old is she and is she eating and drinking? Does her poo look normal?
I'm not sure what is causing the discoloration but a picture would definitely help others help you.

Acting funny how? How old is she and is she eating and drinking? Does her poo look normal?
I think I have seen someone else describe it as standing like a penguin up tall and butt down, that is why we thought she was egg bound. She also just barely moves around and just sits in one spot with minimal movement. She is eating and drinking occassionally, and seemed to poop normally this morning but was not doing much of that last night. I will add picture soon.
Sounds like she may need another warm soak. Have you used Epson salt in the bath?
When you checked for an egg, did you go straight in or up at an angle? Only mentioning this because sometimes people go to check and they're not in the right spot inside.
Have probiotics or vitamins in her water and try scrambling an egg and mixing it up with her food or a small bit of tuna to entice her to eat.

Hoping one of our other BYC'ers will see this that can take a look at the picture once it's posted.
Both my fiance and I tried to feel for one, and I cannot say for him but i was feeling around because I really did not know where it would be, but we did not feel anything solid at all, just squishy insides and it said that if she was egg bound that we should feel it just inches inside her and i felt her belly too and she felt like she always does......she did seem better when I got home last night and so I regret to say I was happy to see improvement and so I forgot to post the pic. I will try to get to it tonight. but it seems like its internal bruising just inside her vent.

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