Chicken acting different


Premium Feather Member
Mar 19, 2020
South-Eastern Montana
Feeding and water bff tonight I realized one of my Sumatra hens was acting completely different than normal

Normally she isn't a fan of being in the coop more than she has to and doesn't tolerate a hand being anywhere near her.

Today I thought she was broody at first because she was laying where they usually put their eggs. But when I reached to scare her off, she just sat there. I had to physically pick her up and stand get up. She just stood there, her wings out stretched a bit like she was rather warm. It wasn't too hot in the house, nothing worse than they've already had this year.

She hardly wanted to walk, and she let me just touch her and pick her ip.and feel her rear.

I thought egg bound at first because we've gotten like 2 eggs in 4 days from 2 hens altogether, bit her vent doesn't feel egg bound. I would have thought broody but it was an empty nest and she made no sounds or actions to get back to the nest when I set her down.

I'm hoping she's okay tomorrow, bit based on what I saw, i won't be surprised if she doesn't make it. She's not hurt and her eyes are bright. She's alert, she just.... is acting different
Has she pulled out any of her chest and abdominal feathers? Can you remove her and give her some electrolyte water with vitamins? Offer some cooked egg and a little watery food. I would place her in a dog crate with no bedding, but food and water. Make sure that she is eating. That way you can continue to observe her and she won’t get dehydrated.
I have a similar issue, can’t figure out what’s going on. I have a chicken that seems like she's either egg bound or has vent gleet. She is lethargic and drinking a lot, still eating willingly though. she is not flopping around or anything. She feels a bit warm and swollen in her abdomen area. I soaked her in warm water for a while and after soaking, she actually felt a bit more swollen. about an hour ago, she passed yellow membraney stuff. This started yesterday morning, and last night i gave her some ivermectin just in case worms were an issue. this morning she passed two dead roundworms. i believe she layed an egg yesterday but the egg's shell was very thin and broke right away. any ideas of whats wrong?
I have a similar issue, can’t figure out what’s going on. I have a chicken that seems like she's either egg bound or has vent gleet. She is lethargic and drinking a lot, still eating willingly though. she is not flopping around or anything. She feels a bit warm and swollen in her abdomen area. I soaked her in warm water for a while and after soaking, she actually felt a bit more swollen. about an hour ago, she passed yellow membraney stuff. This started yesterday morning, and last night i gave her some ivermectin just in case worms were an issue. this morning she passed two dead roundworms. i believe she layed an egg yesterday but the egg's shell was very thin and broke right away. any ideas of whats wrong?
It might have been an egg shell membrane or lash material. I would start a new thread of your own, and just copy and paste your post here, plus include a picture of the thing she laid here:
What's vent gleet? I've never heard of it. I can't pur her in a kennel since I had a bunch of quail just get scalped in my batchlor pad and needed to put them somewhere safe.

She hasn't started to pull feathers. She did drink a little and I think she ate something last night once she was standing. I've never really had something like this happen to a bird before. She's around 4 or 5 if that brings anything else to being a good idea
What's vent gleet? I've never heard of it. I can't pur her in a kennel since I had a bunch of quail just get scalped in my batchlor pad and needed to put them somewhere safe.

She hasn't started to pull feathers. She did drink a little and I think she ate something last night once she was standing. I've never really had something like this happen to a bird before. She's around 4 or 5 if that brings anything else to being a good idea
Vent gleet is caused by a bacteria. If you google Vent Gleet you will get a bunch of pictures. Their poop sticks to their butt and it is often watery and stinky. My hens get it and their bottoms rip open. I have never had success healing them from it. However, when they've had it, they had been good eaters and drinkers
Okay thank you. She did have a white runny poop on her feathers yesterday, but that was it. It didn't smell (anymore than a healthy chickens butt does) and there weren't shell fragments or more poop coming out

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