Chicken adopted me


May 17, 2021
Hello everyone! I'm Catherine. Last week, we had a random chicken show up to our yard and she does not want to leave. Word on the street is that someone abandoned their chickens when they moved a few months ago :( we've had another one come through, but she didn't stay. I've never kept chickens before, neither has my partner. We want to keep her but I am worried about her being alone. We still need to build a coop (working on that part)... but can chickens be alone? I keep hoping her sisters will show up and they can all be together again. I hear it's hard to introduce a new chicken to a flock, and I don't want to put her on craigslist for fear that someone will want her for dinner. I'm hopeful that this forum will give me some advice!
Welcome to BYC, Catherine! There is so much to see, do, and learn here!:welcome Good luck with your adopted chicken! Chickens can be kept alone, but it is not advisable and it would be much better to get her some friends if you can. Hopefully some other members will have more advice for you.
Great - thanks! I am excited to read through all of these forums and glad someone suggested this website to me :)
Hello, and welcome! Chicken's left behind like that become ferial, and they are open to become dinner to any predator. Can you make her a coop?
Thanks - I am definitely concerned about a predator getting to her. We are working on the coop - they're SO expensive in store, but we have a lot of wood scraps - we've just been really busy over the last few days. Hoping we can get something made tonight or tomorrow night. We found her sleeping under a tarp in our yard last night, so she's pretty well hidden, but I know it's a matter of time before something gets her.
Thanks - I am definitely concerned about a predator getting to her. We are working on the coop - they're SO expensive in store, but we have a lot of wood scraps - we've just been really busy over the last few days. Hoping we can get something made tonight or tomorrow night. We found her sleeping under a tarp in our yard last night, so she's pretty well hidden, but I know it's a matter of time before something gets her.

Yes, you are right! I'm glad that you are going to try to give her a safe home. Maybe one of the other's will move in to keep her company.

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