Chicken Ark on Forsham Design

very impressive, dealhound! I love the simplicity of the design, and it does look like it's built to last.
i was thinking about doing the same thing, got the measurements and all that. decided on something more permanent

good for you

if you can build the ark, you can build the wheels as well. there is a close up somewhere on their website of the wheels and how they mount.
you could probably forgo the folding feature of the wheels and just extend them past the end of the ark. just lift and go, the worlds biggest

you can do it
Thank You all for your nice comments! I am rather pleased with it, except for the weight. If I do it again, I am sure that I will make it out of lighter, thinner materials! As for the wheels, I do believe that is something I can make for myself. I know they would add a lot to the usablility. I do not always have a second person to help with the move.

ohhhhh beautifully done, very nice and sturdy!!!

I noticed the door/ramp dropping down and the birds able to go up and down that. If i may make a small suggestion, box in the opening with maybe a 4 inch high little wall, that way the chickens wont kick out all of the shavings.

It looks great though!!!
You know, I thought about a small wall. I wonder if the Forsham has some kind of wall? I could never see one on the pictures I had. Anyone that has seen a Forsham know for sure. I was afraid if I put a wall, the chicks would tend to roost on the wall itself, bypassing the roost, blocking the exit and fowling the ramp with their droppings. But I will probably add some small wall at least, as I am having shavings fall through the hole and to the ground.


nice tractor! i'd love to make one like this at some point.

as for the shavings falling out: as long as you're not doing the deep litter method, just a small lip should help a lot. that's what i've done with my coop door. i put a small piece of scrap wood, 1/2" width at the opening.
I've been researching it now myself. I don't know about the wall but a small lip would be smart. As far as them fouling the ramp, they are going to do that anyway. Trust me. Chickens see something without poop on it, and they must run and poop on it immedately. It's a chicken thing. My girls have fouled their ramp so badly, that some nights I can hardly close their door. It's really bad when it's cold and the poop freezes.
I have added a lip around the ramp door. It is 1 1/2 inches tall. I have put about 1 inch of liter in the coop area, so I am hoping that this will keep most of it in. I will update later on. Thanks for the suggestion.

I might be stealing your idea if you don't mind!! My husband refuses to help build something for chickens when he didn't want any in the first place
so i told him "NO EGGS FOR YOU!"
This will be perfect to build on my own!!!!

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