Chicken bending neck


In the Brooder
Apr 7, 2017
One of my 6 week old chicks has her head bent totally under her body. She was fine this morning and nobody else has any symptoms thank God. I got her to drink but then she went back to sticking her head under her body. Any ideas?


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One of my 6 week old chicks has her head bent totally under her body. She was fine this morning and nobody else has any symptoms thank God. I got her to drink but then she went back to sticking her head under her body. Any ideas?
I have the exact problem with my 5 wk. old chick. She is black just like the one posted. I don't believe it is Wry neck or anything listed in the diseases. The chick buries her head under her body, walks backwards in a tizzy and then comes to her senses. I feel sorry for her! Answers for me too.
poly vi sol with out IRON..... get small box/cage with towel and prop up her head. gently stuff towel on sides to try to keep her from falling over...
every hour check on her.... massage the neck very gently.... prop her back up on her towels....and tuck her sides in ......after you try to get her drink and eat... (hold her head up while eating and drinking)
it takes a few days to a week.... but most likely she was hurt/pecked by another chick...
I have been evaluating my little chicken, treating her with vitamins and feel that her problem is neurological issues. She is alright with me ,but when I try to make any changes with her housing, go outside with her for some sun, etc., she goes into a fetal position, twists her head and doesn't want to come out of it. Like a child when one tells them no! Any response to this would be appreciated.
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It may be stressing her out to move her, right now.
I do have a 5 year old silkie lady with this problem....
We noticed when she's stressed the head go under her chest, she sometimes rolls on the floor and needs help to get up and straighten up...
The most helpful when this happens is to give her maple syrup.... I don't know why but it helps her pull out of it... (works wonders on dogs having seizures also).
A rooster damaged her neck years ago.... (seems sometimes once neck is damaged, it can be a problem on and off the rest of their lives as they get older)
for whatever reason they get stressed, to loud a noise, a dog running by and barking ,
and so on, can sometimes set it off...
This may not be your problem.... but if it is.... what I said above may be helpful...
It may be stressing her out to move her, right now.
I do have a 5 year old silkie lady with this problem....
We noticed when she's stressed the head go under her chest, she sometimes rolls on the floor and needs help to get up and straighten up...
The most helpful when this happens is to give her maple syrup.... I don't know why but it helps her pull out of it... (works wonders on dogs having seizures also).
A rooster damaged her neck years ago.... (seems sometimes once neck is damaged, it can be a problem on and off the rest of their lives as they get older)
for whatever reason they get stressed, to loud a noise, a dog running by and barking ,
and so on, can sometimes set it off...
This may not be your problem.... but if it is.... what I said above may be helpful...

@Pots I agree with @mustang56 if she only does the neck twisting when she is taken outside and is otherwise fine by herself, then stress would be a factor. You may have to take it in baby steps. Place her near a window so she can see outside. Then open the window, then take her near the door, open the door, etc. Very small changes over a period of time may help her overcome.

She may never overcome the stress of change, so she may remain a house chicken.

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