Chicken Breed Focus - Catalana

You must be right. I subscribed hoping to hear from members that owned these. Maybe there aren't any here?
I’m going to Catalonia in September and hope to visit a few Catalana owners. Wonder if I can fly home with some fertile eggs? Going to look into that. I live in Central Texas where we get hot weather, but also can get vicious cold snaps lately. Anyone out there know if they’ll be okay with occasional cold?
I’m going to Catalonia in September and hope to visit a few Catalana owners. Wonder if I can fly home with some fertile eggs? Going to look into that. I live in Central Texas where we get hot weather, but also can get vicious cold snaps lately. Anyone out there know if they’ll be okay with occasional cold?
How cold and for how long?
For central Texas, it probably dips towards / at freezing. But not often under it. Although in the humidity, it often feels colder than it is. That's my opinion, anyway, as an ex-Texan now living in a much drier place.

I was thinking about this breed, and basically any other Spanish / Mediterranean breed for what I'm looking for. If @gtown finds some hatching eggs or sellers, I'd be interested in purchasing too.
The above was a rescue. I've had a couple more over the years.
Often the problem with less common breeds in countries that apply a SOP to a breed is that the local breeders in the area that breed originates from have a different idea of what the breed should look like. I've been to Pratt and the local the hen in the picture above is fairly typical on the farms.
It's the same with the Marans. Those who decided on what represented the SOP preferred more copper in the hackles, a slightly more fan like tail and a heavier build.
The breed enthusiasts here go to the country of origin, or get eggs from the region. The regulations inside Europe regarding the movement of livestock are easier to deal with so acquiring local breeds is easier.
Because of the expense and regulations importing eggs of live chickens into the USA for example usually only a very small sample gets imported and those samples get accepted as the SOP.
Red sexlinks
Here is a Spanish site about the breed of Catalana.
I looked up “catalana gallos español” and it was the first thing to show up.

I don’t know why you would justify that your red sexlink rescues are Catalanas by saying everyone else is wrong about the breed Standard of Catalanas.
It is an interesting article. It proves that the Catalana was not just a landrace that was standardized into a breed.
It was carefully bred to be a productive dual purpose breed with foraging abilities.
And yes, I know a little Spanish but I am a coward and let Google translate the page for me.

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