Chicken Breed Focus - Fayoumi

I would love to read the studies they have been doing trying to figure out why Fayoumis are resistant to MD. One thing I did read was the speculation that the birds, as a breed, are more closely related to wild fowl than domesticated and specialized breeds of chickens are. I haven't read about jungle fowl being more or less susceptible which would be interesting to look up.
I just did a Google Scholar search and it seems that Fayoumis are also resistant to Newcastle's. The Southwest was hit with a virulent strain of Newcastle's recently that led to tens of thousands of chickens being culled, so EFs are even cooler than just being resistant to Mareks. If you can't access an academic article you want to read, send me a message and I'll see if I can get it for you.
This is my fear. I can’t have my sweet little silkies bullied. Always have to really think when pairing a different chicken breed with silkies.
Granted, we only had two (now one) 9 month old EFs in a batch of 13 chicks, but I haven't found them to be bullies. They are definitely testy, prickly, flighty, and prone to give other birds pecks as they establish their roosting order every night (but they've never drawn blood or hurt anyone).

We have standard breed bossy girls to sweet little Phoenixes and odd-looking Crevecoeurs, but our EF hasn't gone after anyone and will even dust bathe with other pullets. I would guess they wouldn't bother your Silkies, especially since you have more than one Silkie and they're older. I would think the EFs would either ignore or tolerate your Silkies.
I just did a Google Scholar search and it seems that Fayoumis are also resistant to Newcastle's. The Southwest was hit with a virulent strain of Newcastle's recently that led to tens of thousands of chickens being culled, so EFs are even cooler than just being resistant to Mareks. If you can't access an academic article you want to read, send me a message and I'll see if I can get it for you.
I just read hat about the Newcastle’s as well. So the EF does seem to be tough as nails. Crappy though...I just can’t do that to my Silkies. Good to keep in mind though if u got hit with Merck’s, god forbid. Just seems like eventually all flocks are going to get it. I am getting to the point that I am seriously reconsidering even buying hatching eggs due to things like mycoplasma and AVL that can transfer to eggs. Just so scary what can be unknowingly brought in to your beloved flock
Granted, we only had two (now one) 9 month old EFs in a batch of 13 chicks, but I haven't found them to be bullies. They are definitely testy, prickly, flighty, and prone to give other birds pecks as they establish their roosting order every night (but they've never drawn blood or hurt anyone).

We have standard breed bossy girls to sweet little Phoenixes and odd-looking Crevecoeurs, but our EF hasn't gone after anyone and will even dust bathe with other pullets. I would guess they wouldn't bother your Silkies, especially since you have more than one Silkie and they're older. I would think the EFs would either ignore or tolerate your Silkies.
I have a lot of silkies and a few polish as well. Maybe I’ll just give it a go with the EFs and let a Silkie hatch some out. I’m terrified of buying hatching eggs due to diseases they can even carry in them but EFs being safe, I can hatch some and see. If they turn out to be terrors, then they can find a new coop to call home. Lol
Yikes...watching another video is making me re-think! They r cool but I really think they might stress my Silkies out too much. I love the idea of having something to make noise against predators but ...holy smokes! Lol
Obviously, I haven't had EFs that long and have had less than a year experience with them, but I would say they are more like mean girls (psychological rather than physical harm lol). Our Phoenixes are some of the most docile, sweet, curious birds we've ever had and the EF doesn't harm them.

Do you have any chickens besides Silkies? We have an Orpington and Australorp that have kept the pullets in line. If you have standard breeds already, maybe someone at the top of the pecking order will train your EFs to know their place?
If they turn out to be terrors, then they can find a new coop to call home. Lol
Exactly! You don't have Mareks in your flock right now, so you could easily rehome the Fayoumis if you don't like them or if they bully your Silkies and Polish. EFs are beautiful, exotic birds, so someone will definitely want them.
Obviously, I haven't had EFs that long and have had less than a year experience with them, but I would say they are more like mean girls (psychological rather than physical harm lol). Our Phoenixes are some of the most docile, sweet, curious birds we've ever had and the EF doesn't harm them.

Do you have any chickens besides Silkies? We have an Orpington and Australorp that have kept the pullets in line. If you have standard breeds already, maybe someone at the top of the pecking order will train your EFs to know their place?
No, my flock is mainly silkies. I’ve had silkies for decades now. I can’t live without those walking little fluff-balls. And a few polish but they are bantam as well. So it looks like if I got EFs they would rule the roost. I just had a thought though. I have 3 coops and could put them in my farthest coop on my adjoining property. I’ve just never let my birds in that coop free range because I can’t see it well from the house. And, well, silkies. Lol. But the EFs would fair quite well over there I believe😀

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