Chicken Breed Focus - Fayoumi

@BleuSaphir and @microchick : Wow! I had no idea EFs would kill and eat snakes, toads, and mice (although I'm not surprised). Even though ours creeps me out (if I'm down in the coop and get an odd feeling, I know it's because Skinny Legend is peeping at me lol), is loud, and is a vagabond, we are really fond of her. She's a scrappy little thing and really entertaining 🙂.
Skinny Legend..that made me laugh out loud! :D
Skinny Legend..that made me laugh out loud! :D
Two photos of our surviving Skinny Legend (what my kids call EFs). One as she normally is: tiny, wild, free and ready to pierce our eardrums. In the other, much more rare image: she has somehow been captured, has stopped protesting loudly, and seems to have given up on life itself.


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My youngest Fayoumi, hatched this past summer and thank you Lord, a pullet was being pursued by My rooster today. He caught her and you could have heard the fact that he caught her in the next county.

Tut and his girls. The two little roos in the background are some of my Amish bantam cross boys acting as lieutenants.

I caught a hen today who had gotten in with my bachelors and had immediately realized the horrible lapse in judgement. She was still screaming like she was being murdered when I rescued her from a fate worse than death, mainly getting caught by 7 over hormoned young cockerels. And kept screaming until I talked to her and made quiet little clucking sounds.

I don't think it's possible to sneak up on these birds!
the popularity of thi breed has exploded
I’ve been noticing this as well. I’m ok with the noise. I just wish they could be tamed. I had brown leghorns one time. They were so flighty and wild, right from being chicks, I wound up giving them away. I’d walk in to the run with treats and they would fly around wildly, like I was wielding an axe! Just couldn’t tsme them. The EF’s though, I’m good with letting them free range around and do their thing.
Yes, mine are flighty but if I go into the coop with a crust of bread and look down, the first eager faces peering up at me expectantly are the EF hens. They will eat out of my hand but yeah, try to give any one of them a pat in passing and well, if I move real fast and pet really gentle they only scream like I'm chopping off their heads with a dull axe for a few seconds while they race out of the range of the evil human hand that dared to touch them. :gig

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