Chicken Breed Focus - Isbar (Blue Isbar)

Hoping to have 3 new isbars in 21 days!
I'm so nervous 😓
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Mine came today!! Going in the incubator tomorrow! 22 shipped eggs from foxfire farms half Crested Cream Legbar and half Silverudd’s Blue. I also got some local eggs that are Welsummer and 2 Welsummer/starlight green egger mix and 2 Welsummer/ CCL mix. Then my Ameraucana just started laying yesterday so I got 2 of her eggs!!

I think you test your rooster's genes by his offspring's egg coloring. If you're getting brown, it's possible your sire roo has some other breed involved.
Thats a good possibility. The one that lays the tan colored eggs was hatched from Foxfire. Along with two black Isbars and a white (technically a splash, but has only one black mark). The one that lays tan eggs and the almost solid white one are not breeding quality. If we do choose to separate the Isbars to breed, they won’t be in that group.
Blue isbars came under my radar when a chicken friend said there was another chicken lady in the valley. I met here at a Christmas goods sale where she was selling her eggs. The spotted mint green egg caught my eye and I was hooked.
Also the roosters are not overly large and will not hurt a hen.
Hello! I have recently introduced to The Russian Orloff breed, which is critically endangered and I fell in love with them. They have several traits that are perfect for us and our current flock. I'd like to know if anyone knows how to purchase them, locally. I found a few hatchery sites, but I really don't want to ship them. I'd rather buy in-state even of I have to drive a ways. I am in Verona, NY which is about half an hour from Syracuse.


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