Chicken Breed Focus - Plymouth Rock

I got Raven from the feed store and chose the breed simply because it was what was being offered, along with production reds and guinea keets. The label on the crates actually said they were all australorps, however once she started feathering out I knew what I had. I own my chickens first for fun, second for their eggs. By far Raven is my princess of the flock. She is spoiled rotten to the point of always being underfoot. Literally. I have stepped on her feet and fallen over before because she wont get off MY feet when Im walking! When I am preparing their veggies, she is the first in the kitchen and waits "patiently" by my side, adding her running commentary the whole time. Many evenings she comes in and sits on my lap for a treat of rice or whatever fruit Im eating and to get her lovings... she settles right down and makes quiet clucking noises during her cuddle time lol. Raven is the chicken that inspects things first, checks out newcomers first, and never runs from being picked up and cuddled by visitors. I love my BR, and would recommend them to anyone else wanting an affectionate bird for their backyard flock. I have honestly had no cons to owning her, unless you count the getting under foot part!

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I added (3) Plymouth (barred) rocks in 2014. They have been my friendliest hens so far. They integrated easily, get along well with others, always look fluffy and lovely. Oh, and yes, I think they may be the most chatty of the flock, lol. Very pleased with this breed.
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I got Raven from the feed store and chose the breed simply because it was what was being offered, along with production reds and guinea keets. The label on the crates actually said they were all australorps, however once she started feathering out I knew what I had. I own my chickens first for fun, second for their eggs. By far Raven is my princess of the flock. She is spoiled rotten to the point of always being underfoot. Literally. I have stepped on her feet and fallen over before because she wont get off MY feet when Im walking! When I am preparing their veggies, she is the first in the kitchen and waits "patiently" by my side, adding her running commentary the whole time. Many evenings she comes in and sits on my lap for a treat of rice or whatever fruit Im eating and to get her lovings... she settles right down and makes quiet clucking noises during her cuddle time lol. Raven is the chicken that inspects things first, checks out newcomers first, and never runs from being picked up and cuddled by visitors. I love my BR, and would recommend them to anyone else wanting an affectionate bird for their backyard flock. I have honestly had no cons to owning her, unless you count the getting under foot part!

Fun stories about Raven and wonderful pictures!
Thank you so much!! She keeps me entertained every single day
We had Plymouth Rocks when I was growing up and I think they earned a special place in my heart. I always thought they were so sweet and beautiful. I have 3 of them now in my flock and they all pal around together - hoodlums in little feather coats! They ARE always underfoot - just like other people here have posted. If there is food within a mile, they will have front row seats. I open the sliding glass door and they stroll right in like they own the place. Such entertainers too. I have seven different breeds of hens and the Plymouth Rocks are the only ones who ride the goats. I think they warm their feet that way, and maybe it's the lazy way to get across the pasture. Their curiosity is rivaled only by their appetites.
They ARE always underfoot - just like other people here have posted. If there is food within a mile, they will have front row seats. I open the sliding glass door and they stroll right in like they own the place. Such entertainers too. I have seven different breeds of hens and the Plymouth Rocks are the only ones who ride the goats. I think they warm their feet that way, and maybe it's the lazy way to get across the pasture. Their curiosity is rivaled only by their appetites.
YES!! Raven can hear the back door open and is just POSITIVE we have some tasty morsel for her to taste-test and has to inspect anything we are holding. They actually "knock" at the back door to be let in sometimes. The first time was a tad disturbing, hearing someone knocking at the back door. Why on earth was anyone at the back door?? Opened it up and in strolls Raven then the others lol. After that they just took to pecking on the door when they wanted in. They have us well trained.

My favorite breed, very docile,good layer, a very good flock member, hot hardy, excellent breed.

Great camera work! I can't get mine to hold still long enough to get the shot. Of course, mine aren't 2 months old yet. I'm curious, what is the brown bird with the black head?

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