Duck with slightly prolapsed vent


7 Years
Nov 29, 2016
Hi all,

My Cayuga mix had a lot of trouble passing an egg today. It was partially sticking out and she was dragging her behind. I started to fill a bath for her, and she managed to lay it. Upon further inspection it looks like a small prolapse. How can I help her? Right now I just gave her a warm Epsom salt bath. I sprayed the area with vetricyn, then used a honey and prep H mix and eased it back in. I’ll keep her in the bathtub with blankets overnight so she’s warm. She has water but no food. I feel terribly for her! She hates being handled, so I wasn’t able to get pictures (I just focused on treating her). I will add crushed oyster shells to her food in the future, but what else should I do? Our local vet college doesn’t have an avian vet, so it’s a do it myself kind of thing. I’ll do my best to stop her from laying more eggs for the next little while. How can I help her?
I'm so sorry this happened to you and your girl - I know from experience how traumatic and stressful it is. You're on the right track! Did the vent stay in after you eased in back in place? That is the tricky part. I had this happen with a runner duck and the vent came out every time she pooped. After putting it back about 30 times and traumatizing us both, I found that I could use a super large bandaid over the vent area and that kept it in place while the poop shot out the open sides. I had to change the bandaid frequently and did that mostly by cutting it off as I didn't want to hurt her by pulling it off along with feathers. After we did that for a few days she was over the hump and went back outside and was fine until spring when she laid her next egg and it happened again. But, some have successfully cured their ducks and chickens and it hasn't reoccured, so hopefully that is the case for you!
Thank you! I’m going to check later, but when I initially put it back in it stayed. I’m wondering if vet tape might work? But I will invest in some big bandaids! I have heard it’s a recurring problem, so I’m just dreading her having it again. Did your girl fair well after the second time?
That's wonderful that it stayed put and a really good sign! I think that seems to be the case for many. With my little runner I witnessed her first egg because she was out in the yard with me. At that time I thought she was prolapsing because the vent came out partially with the egg, but it went back in. So I think her body was prone to it. The second time around we had the same issue where it came out every time she pooped. I worked with her for a couple of days and then let her be a day before putting her down. It was heartbreaking...she was a sweetheart and very young, but it was clear that it was just going to happen again and again. I hope that's not the case for you. Sounds like your girl may do alright!

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