Chicken Breed Focus - Polish

I have have a golden paced and a buff coming mid May. They'll be my first polish. Growing up I always wanted one. I'd beg my dad every we got a batch of chicksbut was always denied. Now that I'm starting out with a whole new flock I decided to indulge. I can't wait!!!
I got my first polish about a month ago. It is about 4.5 weeks old and I'm not sure if i have a pullet or roo. What should i look for?
My polish chick stood very straight and held it's head high, even before the crest grew out. I figured it was a rooster and I was right. He's a beautiful buff laced polish, and a fairly nice guy!
All these pictures are lovely


How are your new Tolbunt's coming along Kim? Is it time for an updated photo or two?

How are your new Tolbunt's coming along Kim? Is it time for an updated photo or two?


I've just popped out and taken these pics, they are coming on really well thank you and I can see some white feathers coming :D
Some I have to say are not Tolbunt :/ Can't see no white feathers coming in some of them. There are a couple of Pekin in there with them too, don't want you all thinking I'm crazy thinking Pekin are polish!! P,ease excuse the mess I the pic I just have not got round to cleaning them out yet with one thing and another :oops:



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I've just popped out and taken these pics, they are coming on really well thank you and I can see some white feathers coming

Some I have to say are not Tolbunt
Can't see no white feathers coming in some of them. There are a couple of Pekin in there with them too, don't want you all thinking I'm crazy thinking Pekin are polish!! P,ease excuse the mess I the pic I just have not got round to cleaning them out yet with one thing and another

Mess? What mess? I only see cute little chickies

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