Chicken Breed Focus - Polish

Yes squishy is our only one. We got a couple of Frizzle bantam and a surprise one at same time. But the rest of mine are regular sized chickens and one Silkie and one other bantam.
Dust!! I use a vacuum for that. I have an old one that I use to vac my coops and brooding shed out with. The vac does not spread it like sweeping

Hope you are able to get some polish Banti, they are super cool birds
I think you would love them!!

Oh, good idea.

Oh I would! I love all the fancy breeds!!

I've tried to use the guides for my polish crest sexing. I'm lost
can someone more knowledgeable please look up to my pictures and see if they can shead some light for me.


Just picked up our flock of 6 this weekend, one is a gold laced Polish. I think she has so much personality! Seems to stay away from all the pecking order fights, no one bugs her and she doesn't bother the others. Yet at night, snuggles in right next to my speckled Sussex (who I think is the top girl right now) on the highest roost at night time.

I think this white egg is from my Polish? It was laid right after we got the girls home, and the Polish was the only one I noticed hanging out in the coop for a bit.
It's nice to see real photos of peoples birds as opposed to hand-drawn or photo-shopped "perfect example" images.
I had bearded Gold, Silver and Blue and non-bearded White-Capped Black in this breed about 12 years ago. They rivaled the BuffOrpingtons for tameness.
Actually all my 117 birds of 10 different breeds were amazingly tame. Even the apparently flighty Leghorns.
Anyways....more about Polish. I sure liked the Gold coloration but I gota say my favorite was the Blue. Solid blue with darker flights, hackles, saddle, tail and and crown. I really regret not taking a photo of him. He was stunning.
I would really like to get some more bearded Blue and some bearded BuffLaced but where I live it's pretty tough going getting quite some breeds.
I would also very much to do some breeding experiments to see if can get a White-Capped Partridge coloration in bearded.
Who am I kidding....I would love to have all the "standardized" colorations but also the bearded and non-bearded in all the "odd" colors like red, blue, black, buff....solids and capped and uncapped......and the splash in all the colors....and capped and un-capped. Not particularly fond of Frizzle though.

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