Chicken Breeds

Kuntry Klucker

12 Years
Jun 9, 2010
Tennesee Smoky Mts.
I am new to chickens and started out on the wrong foot with a rooster that was aggressive and terrified
my kids. He is not rehomed and we are starting over with chickens. I was wondering what is the best breed to get that is
docile and gentile, maybe even good with kids if there is such a thing. And were is the best place
to get them?

Are you looking for a standard rooster, or a Bantam Rooster???

Bantam Roosters: Silkies, Very sweet, docile lovable birds, cuddly.
Cochins, Sweet docile, cuddly.
Standard Roosters: Buff Orpingtons, Big, Sweet Birds that don't mind being handled. I'll have to think of some more. What kind of roo do you have that is so mean?
I have had really good luck with my Serama, blue laced red Wyandotte and Welsummer roosters. Almost all have been very respectful and gentle. The serama's are especially small and gently, easy to handle for children. My daughter is 6 and has a pair of her own for 2 years now, she carries them everywhere. If she drops them, she just picks them right back up, they are so used to being handled they dont mind at all. Of course, she is very gentle with them.
Wow! thanks for the great responces. I have no idea what kind of rooster that we had
that we rehomed. He had a lot of red, brown, and some speckled white in his feathers.
His tail feathers were black and white, he had a single comb and according to my friends
that took him of pretty good size. I am not real versed on breeds so I have not clue what he
was, I just know that the he was aggressive with my kids and that was a huge problem.

Are all roosters aggressive? or can some breeds be docile even the roosters.

I am not sure if I am looking for a standard or a Bantam. I am not sure that I completly understand
the difference between the two.
At the top of this page is a link to BREEDS of chickens. it gives nice descriptions and tells you about personalities,egg laying, weather tolerance,etc...
be prepared... you'll be "surfing" chickens for the next few hours!
Roosters tend to be protective of their flock. They are like any other animal in that if you show fear they have you and they know it. If you raise them from chicks that does help alot. They will look at you more as a provider of feed and as dominate.


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