Chicken can't walk. Legs in front. Brown spot on side. After cocci treatment.

Layer feed is usually 16%. You can use an all flock, grower, or starter/grower in the 18 -20% range (that's what I feed) and just make sure you have oyster shell available all the time for calcium in another feeder so they can take what they need, those other feeds don't have the extra calcium. None of those foods in the bowl are 'bad', it just means she eats that instead of her feed. There are a lot of trace minerals and nutrients that they need which are very hard to get in otherwise. I agree with you on the scratch, that should be only occasionally. It's generally very high carb and can make them fat, which leads to other health problems.
It's a good rule of thumb to limit treats, and treats means anything other than feed, to 10% or less of the total diet. It is very, very easy to over do them, we are probably all guilty of it at one time or another. On average, a laying hen will eat 1/4 lb of food a day (obviously that is an average and things will vary based on size, activity level, etc), that's only 4 ounces. So treats would be limited to 0.4 ounces, that's not very much at all.
Thanks. My layer feed comes in 16% or 22% and I've been getting the 22%. When I had to switch to 16% due to availability is when I started having issues. Mixed it with 20% all flock kalambach and never really had an issue until I had to switch to the 16%. I do have crushed oyster shells and I do give that. As of right now I'm at a loss. I have two silver laced wyandottes sick with different things. The one with cocci seems to be over that and somewhat over the gapeworm symptoms for the most part. Eyes were getting cloudy but SEEM to be clearing up. Tried to take her into the coop and she just laid down and the others started to peck on her.. I want to be a chicken mom but geeze this is a lot of work trying to figure out what's going on. Everything has been fine for so long, then just fell apart fast. Now I also have my other hens eating my broody hens eggs, so much for trying to hatch anything.

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