chicken carnage


10 Years
Jun 19, 2009

can someone help with a question?
a cat just got 4 of my 5 1 month old chicks. The one girl who's left is a Gold Laced Polish. I didn't think chickens could survive alone. Do I need to look for some sisters or a new home with other gals, or can we still keep just her?
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More chickens would be the kindest thing. Unless you have time to be with her 24/7....Also I would really amp up security if I were you before getting any more chickens. Silly Cat.
I can't figure out how she got them. (darn cat) The coop and run are completely encased in chicken wire, no holes no signs she (or anything) dug under the ground.
Yoko Ono (the survivor) is calling and calling for her "sisters" i have been holding her for the past hour or so and she slept, but she's not eating. Should I worry?
So sad. Check craigslist. Or your local "where are you" BYC thread. I'm sure someone has or knows of something. I'm sure it was traumatizing for her. Are you sure it was the cat? Did you see the cat attacking or was it perhaps just checking out the site afterwards? Sounds kind of like a weasel to me.
Also consider upgrading the chicken wire to galvanized hardware cloth or wire. Most predators that want to try can get through chicken wire (although holes are usually left in that case)

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